cities, universities, knowledge-based economy
Building Knowledge Cities: The Role of Universities
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Volume 37 – Number 3
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How can mutually productive relationships between universities and their host cities be developed? And what are the factors which shape university-city relationships in different contexts? This issue of Built Environment considers the dynamic inter-relationships between policies, places and academic institutions in the context of the knowledge-based economy.
Universities and Cities: Governance, Institutions and Mediation
Beth Perry -
The Role of Universities in Building Prosperous Knowledge Cities: The Malaysian Experience
Tan Yigitcanlar and Muna Sarimin -
The Role of Universities in Building Knowledge Cities in Australia
David Charles -
Experience of Engagement between Universities and Cities: Drivers and Barriers in Three European Cities
John Goddard, Paul Vallance and Jaana Puukka -
The ‘Science City’ as a System Coupler in Fragmented Strategic Urban Environments?
Paul Benneworth, Gert-jan Hospers, Ben Jongbloed, Liudvika Leiyste and Arend Zomer -
Positioning Higher Education in the Imagined Histories, Geographies and Futures of a European Cross-Border Region
Pier Paolo Pasqualoni and Alan Scott -
Urban Research in the Knowledge Economy: Content, Context and Outlook
Tim May and Beth Perry - Publication Reviews