About the PHE series
In this series, Studies in History, Planning and the Environment, we intend to provide in-depth studies of some of the many aspects of the origins and history of the planning process and its effects on our environment.
So wrote Gordon Cherry and Anthony Sutcliffe in their 1980 foreword to the first three titles in the series they founded. Together they edited the series until Gordon’s death in 1996.
When Anthony Sutcliffe became sole editor and he was determined to broaden the scope of the series and to widen its appeal. To reflect the change in approach, the series was renamed Planning, History and Environment.
In 2001, Anthony Sutcliffe stepped down as editor. His place was taken by Dennis Hardy, assisted by Ann Rudkin and an international editorial board. Ten years later Dennis Hardy gave up the editorship and Ann Rudkin took over.
Today, there are some sixty books in the Planning, History and Environment series and many more in preparation.
Titles published
The Rise of Modern Urban Planning, 1800–1914 edited by Anthony Sutcliffe
Shaping an Urban World: Planning in the twentieth century edited by Gordon E. Cherry
Planning for Conservation: An international perspective edited by Roger Kain
Metropolis 1890–1940 edited by Anthony Sutcliffe
Arcadia for All: The legacy of a makeshift landscape by Dennis Hardy and Colin Ward
Planning and Urban Growth in Southern Europe edited by Martin Wynn
Thomas Adams and the Modern Planning Movement: Britain, Canada and the United States by Michael Simpson
Holford: A study in architecture, planning and civic design by Gordon E. Cherry and Leith Penny
Goodnight Campers! The history of the British holiday camp by Colin Ward and Dennis Hardy
Model Housing: From the Great Exhibition to the Festival of Britain by S. Martin Gaskell
Two Centuries of American Planning edited by Daniel Schaffer
Planning and Urban Growth in the Nordic Countries edited by Thomas Hall
From Garden Cities to New Towns: Campaigning for town and country planning, 1899–1946 by Dennis Hardy
From New Towns to Green Politics: Campaigning for town and country planning 1946–1990 by Dennis Hardy
The Garden City: Past, present and future edited by Stephen V. Ward
The Place of Home: English domestic environments by Alison Ravetz with Richard Turkington
Prefabs: A history of the UK temporary housing programme by Brenda Vale
Planning the Great Metropolis: The 1929 Regional Plan of New York and Its Environs by David A. Johnson
Rural Change and Planning: England and Wales in the twentieth century by Gordon E. Cherry and Alan Rogers
Planning Europe's Capital Cities: Aspects of nineteenth-century urban development by Thomas Hall
Politics and Preservation: A policy history of the built heritage, 1882–1996 by John Delafons
Selling Places: The marketing and promotion of towns and cities, 1850–2000 by Stephen V. Ward
Changing Suburbs: Foundation, form and function edited by Richard Harris and Peter Larkham
The Australian Metropolis: A planning history edited by Stephen Hamnett and Robert Freestone
Utopian England: Community experiments 1900–1945 by Dennis Hardy
Urban Planning in a Changing World: The twentieth century experience edited by Robert Freestone
Twentieth-Century Suburbs: A morphological approach by J.W.R. Whitehand and C.M.H. Carr
Council Housing and Culture: The history of a social experiment by Alison Ravetz
Planning Latin America’s Capital Cities, 1850–1950 edited by Arturo Almandoz
Exporting American Architecture, 1870–2000 by Jeffrey W. Cody
Planning by Consent: The Origins and Nature of British Development Control by Philip Booth
The Making and Selling of Post-Mao Beijing by Anne-Marie Broudehoux
Planning Middle Eastern Cities: An urban kaleidoscope in a globalizing world edited by Yasser Elsheshtawy
Globalizing Taipei: The political economy of spatial development edited by Reginald Yin-Wang Kwok
New Urbanism and American Planning: The conflict of cultures by Emily Talen
Remaking Chinese Urban Form: modernity, scarcity and space. 1949–2005 by Duanfang Lu
Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities edited by David L.A. Gordon
Planning the Megacity: Jakarta in the twentieth century by Christopher Silver
Designing Australia’s Cities: Culture, commerce and the city beautiful, 1900–1930 by Robert Freestone
Ordinary Places, Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, democracy and urban space in Latin America edited by Clara Irazábal
The Evolving Arab City: Tradition, modernity and urban development edited by Yasser Elsheshtawy
Stockholm: The making of a metropolis by Thomas Hall
Dubai: Behind an urban spectacle by Yasser Elsheshtawy
Capital Cities in the Aftermath of Empires: Planning in central and southeastern Europe edited by Emily Gunzburger Makaš and Tanja Damljanović Conley
Lessons in Post-War Reconstruction: Case studies from Lebanon in the aftermath of the 2006 war edited by Howayda Al-Harithy
Orienting Istanbul: Cultural capital of Europe? edited by Deniz Göktürk, Levent Soysal and İpek Türeli
The Making of Hong Kong: From vertical to volumetric by Barrie Shelton, Justyna Karakiewicz and Thomas Kvan
Urban Coding and Planning edited by Stephen Marshall
Planning Asian Cities: Risks and resilience edited by Stephen Hamnett and Dean Forbes
City and Soul in Divided Societies by Scott A. Bollens
Staging the New Berlin: Place marketing and the politics of reinvention post-1989 by Claire Colomb
Learning from the Japanese City: Looking east in urban design by Barrie Shelton
The Urban Wisdom of Jane Jacobs edited by Sonia Hirt with Diane Zahm
Of Planting and Planning: The making of British colonial cities, 2nd edition by Robert Home
Healthy City Planning: Global health equity from neighbourhood to nation by Jason Corburn
Good Cities, Better Lives: How Europe discovered the lost art of urbanism by Peter Hall
The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the study of urban and regional planning edited by Mark Tewdwr-Jones, Nicholas Phelps and Robert Freestone
Garden Cities of Tomorrow? A new future for cottage estates by Martin Crookston
Sociable Cities: The 21st-century reinvention of the Garden City by Peter Hall and Colin Ward
Modernization, Urbanization and Development in Latin America, 1900s–2000s by Arturo Almandoz
Remaking the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge: A case of shadowboxing with nature by Karen Trapenberg Frick
Great British Plans: Who Made Them and How They Worked by Ian Wray
Homeland: Zionism as Housing Regime, 1860–2001 by Yael Allweil
Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World’s Games, 3rd edition
Globalizing Seoul: The City’s Cultural and Urban Change by Jieheerah Yun
Planning Metropolitan Australia edited by Stephen Hamnett and Robert Freestone
Trajectories of Conflict and Peace: Jerusalem and Belfast since 1994 by Scott Bollens
Planning Abu Dhabi: An Urban History by Alamira Reem Bani Hashim
Temporary Cities: Resisting Transience in Arabia by Yasser Elsheshawy
Planning Singapore: The Experimental City edited by Stephen Hamnett and Belinda Yuen
No Little Plans: How Government Built America’s Wealth and Infrastructure by Ian Wray
Being Urban: Community, Conflict and Belonging in the Middle East edited by Simon Goldhill
Festival Cities: Culture, Planning and Urban Life by John R. Gold and Margaret M. Gold
Riyadh: Transforming a desert city by Yasser Elsheshtway
Building Colonial Hong Kong: Speculative development and segregation in the city by Cecilia Chu
The Settlement Patterns of Britain: Past, present and the future foretold in eight essays by Nick Green
Supergrid and Superblock: Lessons in urban structure from China and Japan by Xiaofei Chen
Olympic Cities: City agendas, planning and the world’s games 1896–2032, 4th ed. edited by John R. Gold and Margaret M. Gold
The Evolution of Urban Heritage Conservation and the Role of Raymond Lemaire by Claudine Houbart