Meet the Editors

About this issue

Issue number
Volume 49 – Number 2


Cecilia Wong is Professor of Spatial Planning and Director of Spatial Policy and Analysis Lab of the Manchester Urban Institute at the University of Manchester. She has research expertise in strategic spatial planning, policy monitoring and spatial analysis, urban and regional development, and housing and infrastructure planning.


Kathy Pain is the Chair in Real Estate Development in the Henley Business School Department of Real Estate and Planning, University of Reading and Co-Director of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network. Her research focuses on the sustainability of city and regional development under conditions of contemporary globalization. 


Caglar Koksal is a Research Fellow and Lecturer in Urban Planning in the Department of Planning and Environmental Management at the University of Manchester. His work and research focus on spatial planning, urban policy and governance, and health creation.



Heeseo Rain Kwon is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Real Estate and Planning, University of Reading. Her research focuses on the application of behavioural theories in agent-based modelling (ABM), healthier urban development and travel behaviour, GIS and spatial analysis, and the intersection of real estate and planning in the urban decision-making.