Meet the editors

About this issue

Issue number
Volume 45 – Number 3


Jasmine S. Palmer completed PhD research on collective self-organized housing, with the intention of drawing from experiences in Germany and the United Kingdom to advance the sector in Australia. She taught Architecture at the University of South Australia (1998–2019) where she was coordinator of the Master of Sustainable Design. Jasmine was a visiting researcher at TUDelft in 2018 and is Co-Director of the Nightingale Housing Research Collaborative. 
Lidewij Tummers’s PhD research on cohousing, spatial planning and energy-transition led to a number of publications, including the book The Re-Emergence of Co-Housing in Europe (2016). She runs a Rotterdam-based consultancy and is a Visiting Lecturer at several European universities. Her work focuses on sustainable housing, specifically self-managed housing and energy transition, gendered perspectives in spatial development, and criteria for inclusive urban design.