sustainable mobility, environment
People plus Technology: New Approaches to Sustainable Mobility
About this issue
Issue number
Volume 34 – Number 2
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The contributors to this issue interpret mobility as a complex system of social, institutional and technical factors. And technical factors are not just valve heads, catalytic converters and other technologies meant to reduce the environmental impact of mobility without any change of social practices; they also include road surface textures, street layouts, pedestrian precincts, bicycle lanes, speed bumps, underpasses, building designs and all other urban artefacts with an intended or unintended impact on our mobility choices. This issue investigates what can be seen, learned and done when we interpret the challenge of sustainable mobility from this vantage point. The answers do not come as cookbook style advice, but certainly increase our awareness of options that mainstream technical or social ‘fixes’ tend to overlook.
People plus Technology: New Approaches to Sustainable Mobility
Ralf Brand -
The Role of Human Powered Vehicles in Sustainable Mobility
Peter Cox -
Shared Space: Reconciling People, Places and Traffic
Ben Hamilton-baillie -
Co-evolution of Technical and Social Change in Action: Hasselt’s Approach to Urban Mobility
Ralf Brand -
Urban Transport Systems in Bogotá and Copenhagen: An Approach from STS
Andrés Valderrama and Ulrik Jørgensen -
How Mobility Systems Produce Inequality: Making Mobile Subject Types on the Bangkok Sky Train
Tim Richardson and Ole B. Jensen - Publication Reviews