Reflections on the Polycentric Metropolis
About this issue
Issue number
Volume 32 – Number 2
Reflections on the Polycentric Metropolis
Ludovic Halbert, Frank J Convery, Alain Thierstein -
Polycentrism: Boon or Barrier to Metropolitan Competitiveness? The Case of the Randstad Holland
Bart Lambregts -
Advantageous Fragmentation? Reimagining Metropolitan Governance and Spatial Planning in Rhine-Main
Michael Hoyler, Tim Freytag, Christoph Mager -
RhineRuhr: Towards Compatibility? Strategic Spatial Policies for a Specific Configuration of Polycentricity
Wolfgang Knapp, Peter Schmitt, Rainer Danielzyk -
Globalization and Social Dualization, under an Institutional Constraint: The Brussels-Capital Case
Christian Vandermotten, Marcel Roelandts -
Governance Strategies for the Zrich-Basel Metropolitan Region in Switzerland
Simone Gabi, Alain Thierstein, Christian Kruse, Lars Glanzmann -
Organizing Space in a Dynamic Economy: Insights for Policy from the Irish Experience
Frank J Convery, Daniel Mcinerney, Martin Sokol, Peter Stafford -
The Polycentric City Region That Never Was: The Paris Agglomeration, Bassin Parisien and Spatial Planning Strategies in France
Ludovic Halbert -
Policy Challenges of Functional Polycentricity in a Global Mega-City Region: South East England
Kathy Pain -
European Polycentricity and Emerging Mega-City Regions: One Size Fits All Policy?
Ludovic Halbert, Kathy Pain, Alain Thierstein -
Publication Reviews
Stephen Marshall, Stephan Pauleit