The city, Citizenship, Urban condition, Urban infrastructure, Urban conflict, Middle East

Impacts of HSR: Hubs, Linkages, and Development

About this issue

Issue number
Volume 46 – Number 3


In 1993, Built Environment (Volume 19, No. 3/4) introduced ‘The Age of the Train’. This was followed in 2009 by ‘Railways in Europe: A New Era’ (Volume 35, No. 1), then in 2012 by ‘Railway Station Megaprojects and the Re-Making of Inner Cities in Europe’ (Volume 38, No 1), and the following year by ‘High-Speed Rail: Shrinking Spaces, Shaping Places’ (Volume 39, No. 3). Now, with case studies from China, Spain, France, the Netherlands and the UK, contributors to this issue examine the social, spatial and economic impacts of HSR at different scales and different stages of development in different parts of the world.

Chia-Lin Chen and Robin Hickman
29 Sep 2020


Publication Reviews:

  • Cover image:  Panorama of Tianjin West Station. (Photo: CC kele_jb 1984)