Introducing: Urban land grabs in Africa
An introduction to Urban Land Grabs in Africa, by Griet Steel, Femke van Noorloos and Kei Otsuki
By Griet Steel, Femke van Noorloos and Kei Otsuki 25 Feb 2019
Three days in Riyadh: A city in transition
A special blog from Yasser Elsheshtawy, one of our editorial board members, reflecting changing impressions of Riyadh.
15 Feb 2019
Embracing the Complexity and Justice of Mobilities Automation?
In response to the challenge of Self-driving Vehicle technology and technological transitions in everyday mobility, Miloš N. Mladenović examines Automated and Autonomous Spatial Mobilities, by Aharon Kellerman (2018)
14 Nov 2018
Introducing ‘Branded Landscapes in Contemporary Cities’
Tali Hatuka & Cristina Mattiucci introduce their work on Branded Landscapes.
17 Oct 2018
Cognition & the City
Our latest special issue brings together two disciplinary domains: cognition as studied mainly in cognitive science, and cities as studied in disciplines such as urban studies, urban geography, architecture and more.
8 Aug 2018
A Postcard from Rio
How does the art and culture of Rio’s favelas interact with urban change? Martin Crookston & Tom Crookston review Postcards from Rio, by Kátia da Costa Bezerra
8 Aug 2018
The nuances of sociability
Karin Krokfors reviews The Sociable City: An American Intellectual Tradition (Rowan, 2017), and its historical analysis of the development of sociability notions in the US.
27 Jul 2018
Inclusive design, special needs and social equity … the curious role of the public toilet.
Introducing her new issue Jo-Anne Bichard asks, 'what do the shape, state and means of entry to public toilets, the quinessential essential public service each one of us needs, reveal about the inclusiveness and social equity in the built evironment, and approaches to its design?'
26 Apr 2018
Inclusive Design: Towards Social Equity in the Built Environment
Announcing the latest issue on Inclusive Design in the Built Environment, issue 44.1.
10 Apr 2018
Call for paper proposals: Special issue on resident-led housing
Announcing call for papers for a future issue proposed by editors Dr Jasmine Palmer & Dr Ir Lidewij Tummers asking “The increase of resident-led housing: what implications for the professional housing sector?” (abstract submission 20 May 2018)
10 Apr 2018