Greywater & the Rising Case for Re-using Water
Given the challenges of sustainable urban water, reaons to reuse and recyle our so-called 'greywater' is getting stronger says Jonathan Chenoweth, an author in our new issue on this theme.
By Jonathan Chenoweth 4 Jun 2016
Good Morning Australian Cities!
Australian Cities in the 21st Century: Suburbs and Beyond, issue 42(1) of the Built Environment journal, is out now in print and online. As ever we welcome feedback and further commentary, including Built Environment blogs and twitter.
By Built Environment Editors 9 Mar 2016
Suburban Space, Suburban Culture, Suburban Myth?
Given that suburbs are commonly viewed as places that culture forgot, it is refreshing to see a built environment journal publication dedicated to suburban space and cultures. My own work on suburban theory points to the fact that
By Laura Vaughan 9 Feb 2016
Spaces for Suburban Cultures
...Given the difficulties encountered in defining the specificity of ‘the urban’, it is unsurprising that similar problems confront those interested in suburbs, in processes of suburbanisation and in cultures of suburbia....
By Paul Burton & Jo Gill 16 Jan 2016
The Gruesome Shambles that is the English Housing System
As Mr. Secretary Pepys might have said on the morning of 10 November: ‘Rose betimes and abroad to the Centre for London, for the launch of their Intermediate Housing Commission’s report Fair to Middling’. It defines such homes as ‘housing for modest earners – those not entitled to social housing but who struggle...
By Martin Crookston 30 Nov 2015
