Community-led housing as an active international field
Sam Brown, an Architect based in the UK, reflects on the international collection of case studies in our latest special issue,‘Collaborative Housing: Resident and Professional Roles’ guest-edited by Jasmine Palmer and Lidewij Tummers.
By Sam Brown 4 Dec 2019
The Datafication of Urban Transport
Dudley et al. consider how the data enabled by new urban transport technologies can become a prime motivating force in political power struggles.
By Geoffrey Dudley, David Banister, and Tim Schwanen 10 Oct 2019
The future of public participation?
Lucy Natarajan introduces part 2 of the double issue People, Plans and Places of the double special issue of Built Environment (issues 45.1 and 45.2), both out now.
By Lucy Natarajan 8 Jul 2019
The Sharing Economy and Blurring in Public-Private Relationships
Following their article on dockless bike hire problems in People Plans & Places: Outlooks on Participating, Geoff Dudley, David Banister and Tim Schwanen consider the implications of ‘sharing modes’ for governance networks.
By Geoffrey Dudley, David Banister, and Tim Schwanen 8 Jul 2019
Politics of a donor city in post-Idai Beira: What’s to come?
Murtah Shannon, one of the authors of issue 44.4 on Urban Land Grabs, discusses the politics and planning after cyclone Idai.
By Murtah Shannon 23 May 2019
What has happened to 'having a say'?
Our first issue of 2019, marks fifty years since the publication of two important texts Arnstein and Skeffington, and looks at the 'state of that art' of participation.
By Lucy Natarajan 13 Apr 2019
Introducing: Urban land grabs in Africa
An introduction to Urban Land Grabs in Africa, by Griet Steel, Femke van Noorloos and Kei Otsuki
By Griet Steel, Femke van Noorloos and Kei Otsuki 25 Feb 2019
Introducing ‘Branded Landscapes in Contemporary Cities’
Tali Hatuka & Cristina Mattiucci introduce their work on Branded Landscapes.
By Tali Hatuka & Cristina Mattiucci 17 Oct 2018
Cognition & the City
Our latest special issue brings together two disciplinary domains: cognition as studied mainly in cognitive science, and cities as studied in disciplines such as urban studies, urban geography, architecture and more.
By Juval Portugali 8 Aug 2018
Inclusive design, special needs and social equity … the curious role of the public toilet.
Introducing her new issue Jo-Anne Bichard asks, 'what do the shape, state and means of entry to public toilets, the quinessential essential public service each one of us needs, reveal about the inclusiveness and social equity in the built evironment, and approaches to its design?'
By Jo-Anne Bichard 26 Apr 2018
