A New Dawn for Australia’s Cities?
On 11 October 2015 Malcolm Turnbull, who had been Prime Minister of Australia for less than a month at the time, committed federal funding of A$95m towards the cost of extending a light rail network on the Gold Coast in the northern state of Queensland. This funding announcement, while modest in its scope, marked a major...
By Stephen Hamnett 11 Dec 2015
The Gruesome Shambles that is the English Housing System
As Mr. Secretary Pepys might have said on the morning of 10 November: ‘Rose betimes and abroad to the Centre for London, for the launch of their Intermediate Housing Commission’s report Fair to Middling’. It defines such homes as ‘housing for modest earners – those not entitled to social housing but who struggle...
30 Nov 2015
Fields of Yield: Beyond the Built Environment
This blog sets out the rich 'field of yeild' that extends beyond the Built Environment itself. We can venture into science, health, and many more fields for learning, 'research prospecting' and simply bold exploration!
23 Nov 2015
How Do the British Plan?
Introducing the new book from our Planning, History & Environment series, by Ian Wray. With lessons from British experiences on how to built great planning successes.
27 Oct 2015
From Vegetables to Megastructures
Along the boulevard, a sign points to the Cité Radieuse – and suddenly there, looming above the trees, is the Unité d’Habitation.
20 Oct 2015
Of Books and Blogs
Blogged Environment's inaugural post. It sets out a vision of Built Environment writing's future open to books, articles, blogs and all technologies where we can continue to exchange, share and learn!
1 Oct 2015
Built Environment : Blogged Environment
Built Environment journal has an online companion, the Blogged Environment. This blog explains how they support each other, what they mean for our readers and how you can get involved.
15 Sep 2015